What should you ask your interviewers?
Are you looking to break into the tech industry, or are you already working in tech but seeking a more supportive and inclusive work environment?
Regardless of your situation, one of the most critical aspects of finding the right company is asking the right questions during the interview process.
As a woman who has worked in the tech industry for years, I understand the importance of finding a company that is a good fit and is supportive of growth and inclusivity specifically.
During the interview process, you have a unique opportunity to learn about a company's culture and values.
Ask specific questions about diversity and inclusion
It's crucial to determine whether a company has a diverse and inclusive work environment. Here are some questions to ask:
What is the maternity/paternity leave policy?
How much PTO do people usually take?
What is the gender breakdown of the team?
How many parents are there on the team, and how does the company support work-life balance?
How many people were promoted last year, and how many of them were women?
How does the manager ensure that everyone gets projects that can help with career progression?
Is there a Diversity & Inclusion department?
Is there a women's employee resource group? Are folks on the group compensated for their time, or is it on a volunteer basis?
Ask the manager about the organization’s take on learning
How do you create time for your team to learn?
How do you go about learning from others?
What is something that you have learned as a manager?
Ask about the decision-making process
Are there well-defined criteria for how the team makes decisions?
Ask the manager about their attitude toward feedback
Determining how open and receptive the manager is to feedback is essential. Here are some questions to ask:
What steps do you take to make it easier for people to give you feedback?
What steps do you take to make it easier for the people you manage to receive feedback?
Remember, the interview process is your chance to understand a company's culture and values. By asking the right questions and listening carefully to the team's responses, you can make an informed decision about whether a particular company is right for you.
Stella pictured with the fantastic DataGals group at her previous company, Vertica. The group’s mission was to support and promote women in technical career paths!